Blindwells continues to take shape with latest planning application

Plans for the next phase of residential development at Blindwells have been submitted to East Lothian Council, paving the way for a further 140 homes to be built as part of this idyllic New Town.

The planning application for the 3.3-hectare Plot 4a has been submitted by our consultancy partner Turley for a mix of flatted apartments, terraced, semi-detached and detached houses.

It is intended that these new homes will have a unique and contemporary sense of character, with stone and brick details, concrete roof tiles and rendered finishes and surrounds creating visual interest.

This phase of development, which is due to be approved shortly, will sit close to the Blindwells forthcoming local centre, providing a focal point for new and existing residents to enjoy their shopping and leisure time, with retail amenities and eating places, as well as a medical centre and potential supermarket.

A new civic high street will lead to the Princes Loch to its north, where fishing and water sports will be able to be enjoyed, and biodiverse landscaping will create open spaces for the benefit of residents and visitors alike, all easy to navigate through a series of walking and cycleways.

Bruce Lindsay, development director at the firm behind Blindwells, Hargreaves Land, said: “We are now well on the way to making this modern and sustainable urban environment a reality for the 1,600 families and individuals that will call Blindwells home.

“This latest application represents a major step forward, not only in building more of our planned homes, but in seeing the surrounding landscapes and infrastructure take shape.”

Turley’s associate director Alison Maguire added: “It has been our privilege to use our experience to represent Hargreaves Land in helping Blindwells develop towards this important phase.

“This application contains some significant elements of the scheme, which will provide vital high-quality housing just 10 miles from Edinburgh, within a newly-created community that allows people to build families and livelihoods.

“It’s an exciting point in the development and I look forward to the next phase and to seeing Blindwells continue its exciting evolution.”

To find out more about moving your home or business to the Blindwells development, or for information about opportunities to help us bring the finished scheme to fruition, visit